Academic Journal Publications

46. Wang, C., Stansberry, J., Mukundan, M., Chang, HM, Kulkarni, D., Park, A.M., Plymill, A, Firas, N, Liu, C., Lang, J., Lee, J.K., Tolouei, N.E., Morimoto, Y., Wang, CH, Zhu, G., Atanassov, Pl, Capuano, C., Mittelsteadt, C., Peng, X., Zenyuk, I. (2025) Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Water Electrolysis: Cell-LevelConsiderations for Gigawatt-Scale Deployment, Chemical Reviews. (link)

45. Lee, J.K., Babbe, F., Wang, G., Tricker, A.W., Mukundan, R., Weber, A.Z., Peng, X. (2024) Nano-channel Electrodes Facilitating Interfacial Transport for PEM Electrolysis. Joule 8, 1-17. (link)

44. Lee, J.K., Lau G., Shen F., Bergeson-Keller, A., Peng, X., Tucker, M**. (2024) Pioneering Microporous Layers for Proton-Exchange-Membrane Water Electrolyzers via Tape Casting. Journal of Electrochemical Society 171 064505. (link)

43. Lee, J.K. (2024) Designing Microporous Layers for Electrolyzers Using Stochastic Approach. JACS Au 4, 2252–2261. (link)

42. Heßelmann, M., Lee, J.K., Chae, S., Tricker, A.W., Keller, R.G., Wessling, M., Su, J., Kushner, D., Weber, A.Z., Peng, X. (2024) Pure-Water-Fed Forward-Bias Bipolar Membrane CO2 Electrolyzer. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 16, 24649-24659. (link)

41. Wang, C.*, Lee, J.K.*, Liu, C.P., Kulkarni, D., Atanassov, P., Peng, X., Zenyuk, I.V. (2024) Design of PEM Electrolyzers with Low Iridium Content. International Materials Reviews 69, 3-18. *Equally contributed. (link)

40. Tricker, A.W., Ertugrul, T.Y., Lee, J.K., Shin, J.R., Choi, W., Kushner, D.I., Wang, G., Lang, J., Zenyuk, I.V., Weber, A.Z., Peng, X. (2024) Pathways Toward Efficient and Durable Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers Enabled By Electro-Active Porous Transport Layers. Advanced Energy Materials 14, 2303629. (link)

39. Tricker, A.W.*, Lee, J.K.*, Babbe, F., Shin, J.R., Weber, A.Z., Peng, X., (2023) Engineering Bipolar Interfaces for Water Electrolysis Using Earth-Abundant Anodes. ACS Energy Letters 8, 5275-5280. *Equally contributed. (link)

38. Shrestha, P., Lamanna, J.M., Fahy, K.F., Kim, P., Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D.L., Hussey, D.S., Bazylak, A., (2023) Simultaneous multi-material microscopy via high-contrast correlative operando tomography. Science Advances 9,  eadg8634. (link)

37. Lee, J.K., Anderson, G., Tricker, A.W., Babbe, F., Madan, A., Cullen, D.A., Arregui-Mena, J.D., Danilovic, N., Mukundan, R., Weber A.Z., Peng, X. (2023) Ionomer-free and recyclable porous-transport electrode for high-performing proton-exchange-membrane water electrolysis. Nature Communications 14, 4592. (link)

36. Seip, T., Lee, J.K., Ge, M., Lee, W.-K., Shaigan, N., Dinu, M., Fatih, K., Bazylak, A. (2023) Stochastic Generation of Electrolyzer Anode Catalyst Layers. Electrochimica Acta. 462,  142701. (link)

35. Tricker, A.W., Lee., J.K., Shin, J.R., Danilovic, N., Weber, A.Z., Peng, X., (2023) Design and Operating Principles for High-Performing Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers. Journal of Power Sources 567, 232967. (link)

34. Lee, J.K., Schuler, T., Bender, G., Peng, X., Weber, A.Z., Danilovic, N. (2023) Interfacial Engineering via Laser Ablation for High-Performing PEM Water Electrolysis. Applied Energy 336, 120853. (link)

33. Guan, R., Shrestha, P., Lee, J.K., Bazylak, A., (2023) Determining local transport properties of gas diffusion layer land-channel regions via pore network modeling. Journal of Power Sources 562, 232770. (link)

32. Lee, J.K., Lau, G., Tucker, M., Peng, X., Danilovic, N., Weber, A.Z., (2023) Designing Effective Porous Transport Layers for Water Electrolysis via Tape Casting. Journal of Power Sources, 559, 232606. (link)

31. Lee, J.K., Kim, P.J., Krause, K., Shrestha, P., Balakrishnan, M., Fahy, K.F., Fatih, K., Shaigan, N., Ge., M., Lee, W.K., Bazylak, A (2022) Ionomer Control for High Performance Catalyst Layer Design for Water Electrolysis. Cell Reports Physical Science, 4, 101232. (link)

30. Krause, K., Lee, J.K., Lee, CH., Shafaque, H.W., Kim., P., Fahy, K., Shrestha, P., LaManna, J., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D., Hussey, D., Bazylak, A. (2022) Electrolyte Layer Gas Triggers Cathode Potential Instability in CO2 Electrolyzers. Journal of Power Sources, 520, 230879. (link)

29. Stiber, S., Sata, N., Morawietz, T., Ansar, S.A., Jahnke, T., Lee, J.K., Bazylak, A. Fallisch, A., Gago, A.S., Friedrich, K.A. (2022) High-performance, durable, and low-cost proton exchange membrane electrolyzer with stainless steel components. Energy & Environmental Science 15, 109-122. Featured in the front cover. (link)

28. Zhao, B., Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., Fahy, K., LaManna, J.M., Baltic, E., Hussey, D.S., Jacobson, D.L., Bazylak, A. (2021) Superhydrophilic porous transport layer enhances efficiency of polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyers. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2, 100580. (link)

27. Stiber, S., Balzer, H., Wierhake, A., Wirkert, F.J., Rost, U., Brodmann, M., Lee, J.K., Bazylak, A., Waiblinger, W., Gago, A.S., Friedrich, K.A. (2021) Porous Transport Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis under Extreme Conditions of Current Density, Temperature and Pressure. Advanced Energy Materials 11, 2100630. Featured in the back cover. (link)

26. Shafaque, H.W., Lee, J.K., Krause, K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Shrestha, P., Balakrishnan, M., Bazylak, A. (2021) Temperature enhances the ohmic and mass transport behaviour in membrane electrode assembly carbon dioxide electrolyzers. Energy Conversion and Management, 243, 114302. (link)

25. Legrand, U., Lee, J.K., Bazylak, A., Tavares, J.R. (2021) Product crossflow through a porous gas diffusion layer in a CO2 electrochemical cell with pressure drop calculations. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60, 7187-7196. (link)

24. Krause, K., Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., Fahy, K.F., Shafaque, H., Kim, P., and Bazylak, A. (2021) Gas Evolution Drives Unstable Cathode Potential in Alkaline Flow Cells for CO2 Electroreduction, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9, 5570-5579 (link)

23. Kim, P., Lee, J.K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Shrestha, P., Krause, K., Shafaque, H.W., Bazylak, A. (2021) Tailoring catalyst layer interface with titanium mesh porous transport layers. Electrochimica Acta, 373, 137879. (link)

22. Lee, J.K., Bazylak, A. (2021) Bubbles: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Invited Preview. Joule 5, 19-21. (link)

21. Shafaque, H.W., Lee, CH., Fahy, K. F., Lee, J.K., LaManna, J.M., Baltic, E., Hussey, D.S., Jacobson, D.L., Bazylak, A. (2020) Boosting membrane hydration for high  current densities in membrane electrode assembly CO2 electrolysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 54585-54595. (link)

20. Lee, J.K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Kim, P.J., LaManna, J.M., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D.L., Hussey, D.S., Stiber, S., Gago, A.S., Friedrich, K.A., and Bazylak, A. (2020) Elucidating Multiphase Flow Behaviour in Spatially Graded Porous Transport Layers for High Performance Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrolyzers. Energy Conversion and Management 116, 113545. (link)

19. Lee, J.K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Kim, P.J., Krause, K., LaManna, J.M., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D.L., Hussey, D.S., Bazylak, A. (2020) Accelerating Bubble Detachment in Porous Transport Layers with Patterned Through-Pores. ACS Applied Energy Materials 3, 9676-9684. (link)

18. Lee, J.K., Lee, CH., Fahy, K.F., Zhao, B., LaManna, J.M., Baltic, E., Jacobson, D.L., Hussey, D.S., Bazylak, A. (2020) Critical current density as a performance indicator for gas evolving electrochemical devices. Cell Reports Physical Sciences 1, 100147. (link)

17. Kim, P., Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., Fahy, K., Bazylak, A. (2020) In-plane transport in water electrolyzer porous transport layers with through pores. Journal of Electrochemical Society. (link)

16. Lee CH., Zhao, B., Lee, J.K., Fahy, K., Krause, K., Bazylak, A. (2020) Bubble Formation in the Electrolyte Triggers Potential Instability in CO2 Electrolyzers. iScience (invited paper), 23, 101094. (link)

15. Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., George, M.G., Fahy, K.F., LaManna, J.M., Baltic, E., Hussey, D.S., Jacobson, D.L., Bazylak, A. (2020) Reconciling temperature-dependent factors affecting mass transport losses in polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers. Energy Conversion and Management, 213, 112797. (link)

14. Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., Zhao, B., Fahy, K.F., and Bazylak, A. (2020) Transient gas distribution in porous transport layers of polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers. Journal of Electrochemical Society, 446, 024508. (link)

13. Lee, J.K. and Bazylak, A. (2020) Optimizing porous transport layer design parameters via stochastic pore network modelling: Reactant transport and interfacial contact considerations. Journal of Electrochemical Society. Focus Issue: Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical Systems at Multiple Scales in Honor of Richard Alkire, 167, 013541. (link)

12. Lee, CH., Lee, J. K., Zhao, B., Fahy, K. F., LaManna, J. M., Baltic, E., Hussey, D. S., Jacobson, D. L., Schulz, V. P., Bazylak, A. (2019) Temperature-dependent gas accumulation in polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer porous transport layers. Journal of Power Sources, 446, 227312. (link)

11. Ge, N., Shrestha, P., Balakrishnan, M., Ouellette, D., Wong, A.K.C., Liu, H., Lee, CH., Lee, J.K., Bazylak, A. (2019) Resolving the gas diffusion layer substrate land and channel region contributions to the oxygen transport resistance of a partially-saturated substrate. Electrochimica Acta, 328, 135001. (link)

10. Lee, J.K., Lee, CH and Bazylak, A. (2019) Pore network modelling to enhance liquid water transport through porous transport layers for polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers. Journal of Power Sources. 437, 226910. (link)

9. Lee, J.K. and Bazylak, A. (2019) Stochastic modelling for controlling the structure of sintered titanium powder-based porous transport layers for polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers. Journal of Electrochemical Society, 166,  F1000-F1006. (link)

8. Lee, CH., Banerjee, R., Ge, N., Lee, J.K., Zhao, B., Baltic, E., LaManna J.M., Hussey D.S., Jacobson D.L., Abouatallah R., Wang, R., and Bazylak, A. (2018) The effect of cathode nitrogen purging on cell performance and in operando neutron imaging of a polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzer. Electrochimica Acta, 279, 91-98. (link)

7. Lee, J.K., Yao S.X., Li G., Jun M.B., and Lee P.C. (2017) Measurement Methods for Solubility and Diffusivity of Gases and Supercritical Fluids in Polymers and its Applications. Polymer Reviews. 27, 695-747. (link)

6. Kim, E.S., Lee, J.K., Lee, P.C., Huston, D.R., Tan, T. and Al-Ghamdi, S. (2017) Reinforced cementitous composite with In situ shrinking microfibers. Smart Materials and Structures. 26, 03LT01.(link)

5. Esmaeilirad, A., Ko, J., Rukosuyev, M.V., Lee, J.K., Lee, P.C. and Jun, M.B. (2017) The effect of nozzle-exit-channel shape on resultant fiber diameter in melt-electrospinning. Materials Research Express. 4, 015302. (link)

4. Lee, J.K., Ko, J., Jun, M.B. and Lee, P.C. (2016) Manufacturing and characterization of encapsulated microfibers with different molecular weight poly (ε-caprolactone)(PCL) resins using a melt electrospinning technique. Materials Research Express. 3, 025301. (link)

3. Ko, J., Jun, S., Lee, J., Lee, P.C., and Jun, M.B.G. (2015) Effects of molecular weight and temperature on fiber diameter of poly (ε-caprolactone) melt electrospun fiber. Journal of Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers. 24, 160-165. (link)

2. Valinasab, B., Rukosuyev, M., Lee, J., Ko, J., and Jun, M.B.G. (2015) Improvement of optical 3D scanner performance using atomization-based spray coating.  Journal of Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers. 24, 25-32. (link)

1. Rukosuyev, M., Lee, J., Cho, S.J., Lim, G., and Jun, M.B.G. (2014) One-step Fabrication of Superhydrophobic  Hierarchical Structures by Femtosecond Laser Ablation. Applied Surface Science. 313, 411-417. (link)